
April 25, 2014 | General


The excitement at the new opportunity is equally shared by Adelaide based THR Developments who run and prepare the car.

“Im really thankful of Ian for the opportunity to make my V8 debut at Mallala says Dontas.

“It will certainly be another thing I can tick off in amongst my goals in motorsport. THR Developments have been great to work with and we are both hoping of a good result this weekend.

The Mallala event concludes what has been a busy month for Dontas including a research trip to America along with testing in his Thirsty Camel Racing V8 Ute with the second round of the series coming up at Barbagallo in May.

Ive been really busy following Clipsal in getting things ready for this weekend aswell as the trip to the US. Im looking forward to the next round of the V8 Utes in Perth but my focus is most certainly on securing a good result for my supporters who have made this weekend possible he says.

With his V8 debut occurring on home soil Dontas was able to secure some local support towards the event and he admits without the sponsorship his dream may not have been fulfilled.

“I cant thank my sponsors for this weekend enough for making it all happen; Steve Gibson Homes Plaza Holden Adelaide Tools Milwaukee Tools and Kitten Care without them it wouldnt be possible. I really feel as though we have the ability to secure a podium and that will be a great reward for everyone involved.

Qualifying and Race 1 to be held tomorrow.